It gives me immense pleasure and delight as Principal of PM SHRI K V CMERI, Durgapur, to welcome you to the official school website. This website has been developed to impart timely and valuable information to parents, students and visitors to the website at large as well as to provide you with updated school news, schedules and events. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan sets a high Standard of education for children keeping in view the true index of cultural level of country. In a sense it is a matter of national prestige. We encourage our students to develop a lifelong lesson of learning and a willingness to be responsible for themselves and their environment. School is the most important part of students’ life as it enables the transition from childhood to adulthood therefore our endeavour is to offer children every opportunity for self-development so that they will build their skills as well as their confidence. Our aim is to help them emerge as a mature and responsible citizen. In this constantly ever changing society, the young minds are pitted with drastic changes in their environment. In these formative years they need a genial, tranquil and natural learning environment. With the ever increasing demand of competitions, fast changing values, pressure of challenging career and increasing love for materialistic life, it has become difficult for the individuals to maintain its prime values intact. Esteemed Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan works with the mission to imbibe values of love, culture, universal brotherhood and knowledge through education that enables them to adjust and adapt to the emerging society of multicultural thoughts, beliefs and religions. It fosters them with the courage that kindles optimism and the willpower not to give in during adversities. The PM SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya, CMERI Durgapur’s Website is a unique platform to showcase the literary and creative pursuits of its family members. This is not just a means for us to communicate our thoughts but it also highlights the success and achievements of our pursuits. It gives an insight to ones thought and creativity through varied expressions. Our students have been able to leave their imprint in the path they have walked till now and the Vidyalaya has carved a niche of its own in the educational hub.